Many people ask us:" My father is x meters tall, my mother is y meters tall, what is the maximum potential height that I can grow up to?" Well, for a long time there was no straightforward answer to this question. But after carefully studying height statistics in different countries, sampling many people's height and their parents' height, as well as their grandparents' height, and referencing some specialized doctors' work on this topic, we finally discovered a scientific formula to mathematically calculate anyone’s maximum potential height based on his/ her recent ancestors' height. The ultimate truth is that not only your parents' height, but also your grandparents' and all of your recent ancestors' height determine your maximum potential height.
To calculate your maximum potential height based on your parents' and grandparents' height, use the following formula:
Your father's height = F cm (inches)
Your mother's height = M cm (inches)
Your father's father's height = FF cm (inches)
Your father's mother's height = FM cm (inches)
Your mother's father's height = MF cm (inches)
Your mother's mother's height = MM cm (inches)
If you are a male:
With 95% certainty,
Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) = (F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 1.08 + 8.8 cm (3.5 inches)
With 99% certainty,
Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) = (F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 1.08 + 14 cm (5.5 inches)
If you are a female:
With 95% certainty,
Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) = (F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 0.92 + 6.4 cm (2.5inches)
With 99% certainty,
Your Maximum Potential Height in cm (inches) = (F + M + FF + FM + MF + MM) / 6 * 0.92 + 11.4 cm (4.5inches)
Explanation: Extensive statistic and scientific research shows the average height of males is equivalent to the average height of their parents and grandparents multiplied by a conversion factor of 1.08. This will be most males ‘natural height (if they do not put any efforts into growing taller). However, 95 out of 100 males' maximum potential height is less than the sum of their natural height plus 8.8cm (3.5 inches), and 99 out of 100 males' maximum potential height is below the sum of their natural height plus 14 cm (5.5 inches). Similarly, the average height of females is equivalent to the average height of their parents and grandparents multiplied by a conversion factor of 0.92. This will be most females' natural height (if they do not put any efforts into growing taller). However, 95 out of 100females' maximum potential height is below the sum of their natural height plus 6.4 cm (2.5 inches), and 99 out of 100females' maximum potential height is below the sum of their natural height plus 11.4 cm (4.5 inches).
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