August 25, 2008

how to grow taller while you are sleeping.

It is during deep sleep that your bones grow longer and thicker under the stimulation of IGF-1 (growth hormone's by-product), so appropriate sleeping time (not the longer, the better) and correct sleeping posture are all very important for your body to grow.

Sleep is defined as a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. IGF-1 can only work effectively to stimulate your bones' growth when you fall into a long and deep sleep. Short or shallow sleep could interrupt IGF-1'swork and thus stunt growth. Therefore, you should achieve “deep level" sleeps on a daily basis in order to coordinate your efforts of exercises (with Kimi) and proper nutritional (with MFIII). The following are some helpful tips on how to easily achieve deep level sleep.

* Sleep in a room that is dark, quiet, and fresh smelling. Do not expose yourself to bright light while you are sleeping. Light will make your brain stay awake.

* It is important to sleep in a well ventilated room. Don’t be afraid to open a window, even in winter. It is better to put on an extra woolen blanket than to breathe in stale air. The amount of clean oxygen-rich air that you breathe has an effect on your growth. Poor air can cause breathing defects and can prevent you from growing during sleep.

* Sleep with clean, soft, and comfortable clothes. Rough clothing can block the blood circulation and make you shift and turn many times during the night, thus preventing you from deep sleep. Remember your growth hormone can only work well when you fall into deep sleep.

* Keep your hands and feet warm. Scientific studies have shown that warm hands and feet will help induce REM (rapid eye movement) deep sleep. Cold hands and feet will keep you from deep sleep.

* Drink a big glass of water before going to bed and when you wake up; this will help clean out your system. Milk can also help you sleep. It contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which produces the effect of a sedative. Do not consume any foods or drink that contains caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol at least 4 to 5 hours before going to bed. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that will keep you from sleeping. Also, refrain from a large meal at least 3 hours before bed time.

* Doing exercises during the day can help you sleep better at night. If you use Kimi at least 40 minutes a day as instructed, it will increase your blood circulation and quicken your metabolism for a whole day, so you should perform enough exercise to ensure a good night's sleep. This is just one of the many benefits Kimi brings to you.

* Taking a hot bath before going to bed helps induce deep sleep because it cleans your body and relaxes tense muscles.

* Practice total relaxation and deep breathing for a few minutes before you go to bed. Relax from head to toe. Close your eyes and relax every part of your body. Do complete breathing exercises by following the three phases: (1) Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose for 3 to 5 seconds making sure that your stomach as well as your chest expands. (2) Hold your breath for another 3 to 5 seconds; tighten your stomach muscles lightly. (3) Exhale slowly and fully through the mouth and nose. This breathing exercise will help balance your blood circulation and get your body ready to rest.

* Maintain a habit of sleeping at the same time everyday, including weekends. This will help you develop a regular rhythm for sleep. Your brain will send you a "sleep signals “at about the same time every day, which can help you fall into deep sleep easier and faster.

Each person has his/ her own specific daily sleep requirement. It is not true that the more you sleep, the better it is for your growth. Too much sleep will cause your body to develop laziness and slow down your metabolism, thus increasing the danger to gain weight. On average, a young adult who is growing needs at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Teens need 9 hours or more. However, this is just an average and may not apply to you precisely. The best way to figure out the exact amount of sleeping time you need is not to calculate it at all. Just sleep early every night, without using an alarm clock, and let you wake up naturally. Your body has its own biological clock which can determine the exact amount of sleep it needs. As long as you have a good sleeping habit and do not break it (by forcing yourself to stay up too late or get up too early), your body will take good care of itself. Also, it is easy for you to detect if you get enough sleep each day. If you are energetic and do not feel sleepy or very tired the whole day, then you had enough sleep the previous night. Otherwise, you should readjust your schedule and try to sleep longer.

August 14, 2008

Inside secrets on the correct regular diet for growing taller.

The correct regular diet you need in order to grow taller is a proper combination of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Your regular diet should be rich in these three kinds of nutrients. Proteins are composed of one or more chains of amino acids. They are fundamental components of all living cells and include many substances, such as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies that are necessary for the proper functioning of an organism. They are essential in the diet of animals for the growth and repair of tissue and thus you should ingest large amounts of protein if you want to grow taller. The best foods for complete proteins (those that contain the most appropriate distribution of amino acids for growth) are fish, eggs, milk, and legumes. These foods contain most of the 20 amino acids, including the 8essential amino acids that are not synthesized by your body. Therefore, replace rice, bread, and hamburger with fish, eggs, and skim milk!

Vitamins are fat-soluble or water-soluble organic substances essential in minute amounts for normal growth and activity of the body. The most important vitamins for growth are:

* Vitamin A Function: Converted to retinal; essential for growth and differentiation of cells as well as normal vision. Food Sources: Animal liver, milk, yellow and green vegetables such as carrots and broccoli.

* Vitamin B6 Function: Properly assimilates protein and fat; works as a natural diuretic. Food Sources: Animal liver, beef, kidney, green leafy vegetables like cabbage.

* Vitamin B12 Function: Forms and generates red blood cells; increases energy and promotes growth. Food Sources: Cheese, animal liver, kidney, pork, and beef.

* Vitamin C Function: Helps synthesis of collagen and other intercellular substances; formation of bone matrix and tooth dentin, intercellular cement and metabolism of several aminoacids.Food Sources: Citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, and cauliflower and green leafy vegetables like cabbage.

* Vitamin D Function: Promotes calcium absorption from digestive tract; essential for normal growth and maintenance of bone. Food Sources: Egg yolk, fish oils, milk, butter, and margarine.

* Vitamin E Function: Supplies oxygen to the body cells; essential for virility; prevents cholesterol deposits in arteries. Food Sources: Wheat germ, eggs, soy beans, green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli.

* Vitamin K Function: Aids in proper blood clotting, helps prevent internal bleeding and hemorrhage. Food Sources: Egg yolk, fish, animal liver, soybean, and green vegetables.

Minerals are inorganic elements that are essential to the nutrition of humans. Minerals are important because they make up a large part of your bones and thus can directly affect the growth of your bones! The most important minerals for growth are:
* Calcium Function:
Important component of bones and teeth; essential for normal blood clotting; helps normal muscle nervefunction.Food Sources: Milk, dairy products, fish, green leafy vegetable.

* Chromium Function:
Aids in growth process; helps prevent and lower high blood pressure. Food Sources: Meat, clams, brewer's yeast, shellfish.

* Iron Function:
Aids growth; helps form hemoglobin in blood; aid for good skin tone. Food Sources: Animal Liver, beef kidney, egg yolk, cereals, clams, and red meat.

* Phosphorus Function:
Structural component of bone; performs more functions than any other mineral; required for healthy bones and teeth; necessary for energy metabolism. Food Sources: Meat, milk, dairy products, fish, eggs, and cereals like nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

* Magnesium Function:
Aids in bone growth and the function of nerves and muscles; aids in the regulation of blood pressure and water balance in cells. Food Sources: Apples, grapefruits, lemons, seeds, nuts, yellow corn, and dark green vegetables.

* Manganese Function:
Aids in cartilage and bone formation, necessary in energy metabolism. Food Sources: Egg yolks, whole-grain cereals, green vegetables.

* Zinc Function:
Aids in growth and repair of tissues. Necessary for cell division, growth, wound healing, and proper functioning of the immune system. Food Sources: Milk, yogurt, meat, some seafood, brewer’s yeast, and pumpkin seeds.

* Iodine Function:
Aids in the regulation of thyroid hormones needed for normal growth and development. Food Sources: Salt, kelp, all seafood, onions, and vegetables grown in iodine rich soils.

The most important mineral is calcium. Be aware that some common foods and drinks can act like calcium inhibitors and thus stunt growth. Those calcium inhibitors include: coffee, soft drinks (like Coke and Pepsi), refined sugar, concentrated sweetener, excessive salt, excessive fats, alcohol, and cigarettes. Stop or reduce the consumption of these foods and drinks if you want to grow taller!

Therefore, the correct regular diet for you to grow taller should mainly consist of protein-rich food such as fish, unsaturated meat, eggs, milk, and legumes; vitamin-rich food such as fruits, vegetables, and animal liver; mineral-rich food such as milk, dairy products, and seafood.

You should know the #1 reason why many people fail to grow taller despite their substantial efforts.

The #1 reason why many people fail to grow taller is because they do not have a scientific way to naturally increase their growth hormone level. Growth hormone is the most important factor in controlling your bone growth because it is the only hormone that stimulates the growth of cartilage cells at the end of your bones (which is solely responsible for the vertical growth of your bones). Some people think they can increase their growth hormone level just by doing exercises like stretching and jumping -- WRONG! The production of growth hormone is primarily controlled by a mechanism called the Negative Feedback Circuit.

Feedback circuits are at the root of most control mechanisms in physiology, and are particularly prominent in the endocrine system. Instances of positive feedback certainly occur, but negative feedback is much more common. Negative feedback is seen when the output of a pathway inhibits input to the pathway. The heating system in your home is a simple Negative Feedback Circuit. When the furnace produces enough heat to elevate temperature above the set point of the thermostat, the thermostat is triggered and shuts off the furnace (heat is feeding back negatively on the source of heat). When temperature drops back below the set point, negative feedback is gone, and the furnace comes back on.

In your case, the Negative Feedback Circuit is used extensively to regulate secretion of growth hormone. The release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland is actually controlled by the other two hormones:

* GHRH (Growth hormone-releasing hormone) is a peptide that stimulates the secretion of growth hormone in response to the low blood concentration of growth hormone and other stimulatory factors such as a high blood concentration of glucose.

SS (Somatostatin) is a peptide that inhibits the secretion of growth hormone in response to GHRH and other stimulatory factors such as a low blood concentration of glucose.

The Negative Feedback Circuit uses these two hormones to control the secretion of growth hormone. The basic mechanisms for the negative feedback control in this system are:

1. GHRH-secreting neurons in the brain detect the low blood concentration of growth hormone, and in response these neurons secrete GHRH, which is then carried directly to the pituitary gland. Once it enters the pituitary gland, GHRHstimulates the activities of somatotrophs (cells which secrete growth hormone) and these cells start to release growth hormone.

2. Growth hormone binds to receptors on targeted cells in the body, promoting carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis, and fat mobilization. Growth hormone also stimulates the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-1(Insulin-like Growth Factor-1). IGF-1 in turn acts on its target cells, i.e., chondrocytes (cartilage cells) andmyoblasts (precursors of muscle cells) to stimulate muscle and bone growth.

3. Increasing growth hormone level soon negatively feedback to inhibit GHRH secretion. When blood concentration of growth hormone increases above a certain threshold, GHRH-secreting neurons in the brain are inhibited and stop secreting GHRH, while SS-secreting neurons are stimulated and start secreting SS, which is then carried directly to the pituitary gland. Once it enters the pituitary gland, SSinhibits the activities of somatotrophs (cells which secrete growth hormone) and these cells stop releasing growth hormone. Growth hormone's byproduct - IGF-1 also triggers the Negative Feedback Circuit. Increased growth hormone level stimulates the liver to secrete IGF-1. A high blood level of IGF-1 not only stimulates the release of SS, but also directly suppresses the somatotrophs in the pituitary gland. The combined effect is the immediate turn-off of growth hormone secretion.

4. As growth hormone levels decrease below the threshold, negative feedback is relieved, GHRH secretion starts again, leading to growth hormone secretion... and the cycle restarts again.

Integration of all the factors that affect growth hormone synthesis and secretion lead to a pulsatile pattern of release. The natural concentration of growth hormone in the blood is very low, because usually the body only secretes growth hormone up to a level to maintain homeostasis and once a steady state is achieved growth hormone secretion is stopped by the Negative Feedback Circuit. Therefore, the only effective way to increase the secretion of growth hormone is to minimize the effect of the Negative Feedback Circuit by creating a natural Positive Feedback Circuit.

Positive feedback is seen when the output of a pathway stimulates input to the pathway. An example of positive feedback is the phenomenon of autocatalysis, which occurs in some digestive enzymes such as pepsin. Pepsin is a protein-digesting enzyme that works in the stomach. However, the stomach does not secrete pepsin; it secretes an inactive form, called pepsinogen. When one pepsinogen molecule becomes activated, it helps to activate other pepsinogensnearby, which in turn can activate others. In this way, the number of active pepsin molecules can increase rapidly, by using positive feedback.

In your case, you need a Positive Feedback Circuit that minimizes the effect of your body's Negative Feedback Circuit and maximizes your pituitary gland's secretion of growth hormone. Here is where our great Kimi device comes to serve you: the application of Kimi will create a natural Positive Feedback Circuit by stimulating the activities of your adrenal gland, pancreas, and liver.

August 06, 2008

You can get another growth spurt even if you have not grown in 1 - 5 years.

If you have not grown any taller in the past 1 - 5 years, you should not be discouraged because you can get another growth spurt with the help of our program.

The average natural growth rate for teens is about 2 inches (5 cm) PER YEAR. Almost everyone experiences a rapid growth period during their puberty, which is known as the growth spurt. During the growth spurt the average natural growth rate is increased to 4 inches (10 cm) PER YEAR. However, growth spurts for many people soon end and they seem to stop growing right after puberty. The latest scientific research and experiments show that this is NOT because they are done growing - over 98% of people are still 2 - 6 inches (5 - 15cm) shorter than their maximum potential height when their natural growth seems to "stop". Most people lose their growth spurts and stop growing due to the following three causes.

The primary cause is insufficient growth hormone production. Growth hormone, also known as somatotropin, is a protein hormone of 191 amino acids that is produced by your pituitary gland. Growth hormone is the most important factor in controlling your bone growth because it is the only
Hormone that stimulates the growth of cartilage cells at the end of your bones (which is solely responsible for the vertical growth of your bones). During your puberty (age 12- 14), your pituitary gland is very active and produces a sufficient amount of growth hormone to stimulate rapid bone growth, so you are very likely to experience a growth spurt. However, soon after puberty most people's pituitary glands become inactive and produce very little growth hormone to stimulate any further bone growth. So most people stop growing taller soon after their puberty, even when their growth plates are still open and they are still inches shorter than their maximum potential height. However, as the best "grow taller" device, Kimi can reactivate your pituitary gland to produce enough growth hormone again so you can grow taller and even get another grow spurt (which has been demonstrated by many members of our program).

The secondary cause is a short growth period. On average, boys' growth plates should not completely close until age25; girls' growth plates should not completely close until age 21. However, external distresses (school, work, relationships, etc.) can often cause premature closure of the growth plates, which in turn causes a short growth period. Many people stop growing because their growth plates are prematurely closed way before they can reach their maximum potential height. However, as the best "grow taller “supplement, MFIII can naturally prolong your growth period by rejuvenating and revitalizing your bones and growth plates so they can be kept open longer. Such an extensive growth period gives you a good opportunity to get another grow spurt (which has also been demonstrated by many members of our program).

The last but not least cause is any of the common human mistakes such as a poor diet, incorrect sleeping habit, lack of the right exercises, inappropriate postures, etc. Any of
These mistakes can cause you to lose your growth spurt and stop growing. However, as the best "grow taller" manual, our50 Fantastic Free Bonuses can teach you how to avoid common human mistakes and naturally improve your diet, sleeping habits, exercises, postures... After you improve all of these important factors for your growth, you can grow taller again and even get another growth spurt.

August 04, 2008

The most accurate scientific answers to the most intriguing questions about growing taller and increasing height.

Question: Does early sex or masturbation stunt growth?
Answer: No, in general early sexual behaviors like sex and masturbation will not stunt your growth. Your DNA and growth hormone are responsible for your height, not your sexhormone. In other words, if we inject extra sex hormone into a boy whose parents are very tall, he is still going to grow very tall because his body can still produce a sufficient amount of growth hormone. Basically, sex hormone has nothing to do with your height at all. This is supported by some facts. For example: do all the tall guys never have sexual behaviors (sex or masturbation) until they think they are tall enough? Of course not! If early sexual behaviors stunt growth, then we would see many more short guys because statistics show that over 80% of boys in the U.S. have hadsex or masturbation by the age of 18. Another fact, think about this: the bone plates of many 6 or 7 foot tall guys are not closed until they are 25 or even in their early30's. But their sex organs must have been matured by 18 and they likely had more of a chance to exhibit sexual behaviors than shorter guys. How can you explain why the bone plates of these tall guys remain open long after they started to have sexual behaviors? Therefore, early sexual behaviors have little to do with your height. The factors dominating your height are sufficient growth hormone level, a long growth period, as well as correct diet, sleeping habit, exercises, and postures, etc. Our program is the best to help you grow taller because it will give you firm control over all of these dominant factors.

Question: Does weightlifting/training stunt growth?
Answer: Generally speaking, weightlifting will not stunt your growth. Some people think that weightlifting will impede the process of growing taller; this is actually not true. At any gym, you will see lots of "big" guys who lift hundreds of pounds but are all over 6'. Do you see those fitness stars on the TV? Aren't they strong and also tall enough to impress you? Yet almost every one of them lifts a lot of weight in order to build up their bodies. Any kind of active exercises, including weightlifting, will help you grow taller if you do them correctly. This is because exercises can dramatically increase the rate of your metabolism, carrying oxygen, nutrition, and growth hormone to the growth plates and bones much faster. Weightlifting could harm your height if and only if you lift weights in the wrong way so that it causes injuries to your spinal column and other bones. But this usually only happens to those who are new to weightlifting. If you are used to weightlifting and know the right way to do it, there is no need to worry. For the most part, you just need to consult your coach or personal trainer for the right way to do weightlifting. You should follow our program and do weightlifting at the same time to make yourself strong and tall like those sexy body builders!

Question: What are growth plates (bone plates)?
Answer: Growth plates are the cartilage portions at the end of your bones, which are responsible for your bones to grow longer. When you are young your growth plates can constantly grow and turn into new bones, and then grow again, thus you can naturally grow taller. But when you pass your puberty your growth plate will slow down in generating new bones and eventually stop growing after your 30s. In order to regain your growth, it is important to rejuvenate and revitalize your growth plates. MFIII is the best and only nutritional supplement that can do this for you because it uses young cells from unborn sheep to help rejuvenate and revitalize the corresponding old cells in your bones and growth plates. The rejuvenated and revitalized growth plates can then be kept open much longer, and it is much easier for your bones to keep growing longer.

Question: When are growth plates closed?
Can I still grow taller after my growth plates have closed? Answers: On average, males' growth plates will not be completely closed until age 25 to their 30s. Females' growth plates will not be completely closed until age 21 to 25. You can still grow taller after your growth plate are closed

Question: Why do some brothers or sisters born to the same parents have much different heights?
Answer: Brothers or sisters born to the same parents may not receive the same height genes, which are not only passed by their parents, but also by their grandparents and all other recent ancestors as well. There are basically two kinds of height genes: the tall genes and the short genes. Most people’s recent ancestors possess both tall and short genes. And they randomly pass either tall or short genes to their children. The tall brothers or sisters may be the lucky ones who receive the tall genes, and the short brothers or sisters may be the unlucky ones who receive the short genes. Nevertheless, the postnatal factors such as growth hormone level, growth period, diet, sleeping, exercises, and posture, etc., are even more important in determining each person’s height. The brothers/ sisters who improve all of these postnatal factors by following our program can easily grow much taller than his/ her siblings, even if they have received the short genes!

Inside secrets on the top 10 things that will stunt your growth.

1. Being conservative will stunt your growth. The conventional belief is that your height is solely determined by your genetics and hered...