August 30, 2018

Top 8 Ways to Increase Height & Grow Taller Fast Naturally

Tips to Grow Taller Naturally and Increase Height
1.   Get Adequate Sleep
2.   Eat Healthy
3.   Engage in Sports or Regular Exercise
4.   Form a Habit of Practicing Good Posture
5.   Make an Effort to Keep Your Immune System Strong
6.   Drink Plenty of Water
7.   Keep Away from Factors that Hamper Growth
8.   Consider Using “Grow Taller” Supplements

August 29, 2018

Can You Grow Taller After the Age of 21?

As we are growing up we often hope that we’ll eventually grow to become taller than our class mates and will settle at somewhere in the upper-average region. Some of us start off short and then get a burst of growth where we end up taller than everyone we know, while others of us start of tall but then sort of plateau and do not get any taller. Of course others will stay consistent, growing at about average rate until the end. At this point then it is anybody’s guess who’ll end up the giants and who’ll get short changes.
Once we reach about the age of 20, most of us consider ourselves all grown-out, and at this point it can be frustrating if we didn’t reach the kind of height we were hoping for. It is a fact that taller people are more likely to earn higher salaries, be more attractive to the opposite sex, and reach things off the top shelf… So the question is, can you continue growing past the age of 21, and how can you facilitate this growth if so?
Many people claim that you can continue to grow past the age of 21 with the range of ages growth is thought to end spanning all the way to 27. Others meanwhile believe that we can not grow past the age of 17. This is because the truth is actually more complicated and there is no ‘set age’ where we all stop growing. Instead we stop growing at the age that our growth plates close, and this changes from individual to individual, presumably determined genetically.
Growth plates are the bones in your joints which facilitate growth and are located in your wrists and knees etc. When we sleep our body produces growth hormone which causes us to grow more, but it is through our growth plates that this occurs. When they close then, usually around the age of 21, it means we no longer use the growth hormone in that way.
If you are 21 then and you are not happy with your height, it does not necessarily mean that you should give up as there will still be a chance that your growth plates haven’t closed (only an x-ray can tell you this). The best way then to improve your growth during this point is to increase the amount of growth hormone in your body by getting more sleep, and also by taking hot showers and exercising which also results in more growth hormone. As these are recommended for your general health and well being anyway it certainly does not hurt to try and get more rest and exercise. If you are short enough that it creates problems in your daily life, then speak to a doctor and they might be able to test your growth plates and supply you with growth hormone.
If your growth plates have already closed then there is little you can do to increase your height. Some claim that you can add up to an inch by stretching your spine, and from improving your posture. Interestingly we tend to measure as taller first thing in the morning due to our spine becoming depressed throughout the day lending credence to this idea. However the amount of growth you can expect is very marginal, particularly considering the amount of work involved in stretching your spine and performing such exercises.
Another option is a temporary one, but perhaps the best idea for anyone who is unhappy with their height, and this is to wear ‘status shoes’ or insoles designed to offer extra height. This way you will become taller when you put on those shoes meaning that you will be guaranteed one to three inches in extra height for interviews, dates, or whenever you go outside if you so wish.
Failing all this, if your height is a serious problem that affects your confidence and lifestyle, then there surgical procedures available that can increase the length of your legs by breaking them and pulling them apart so that they heal between the gaps. This however is a very painful procedure that requires you to endure broken legs and bolts drilled into your bones for months or years. The real best solution to the problem then, is simply to value the benefits of being slightly shorter and to come to terms with your natural height.

August 21, 2018

Exercises That May Help You Grow Taller

Gravity is said to contribute to a person being short, at least to him or her looking that way. It compresses the spine and squeezes the cartilage. So, most of the exercises recommended for growing taller aim at combating the effect of this. These involve stretching the spine to reduce compression on it. The following are some routines that are thought to be helpful:

Cobra stretch – This is a pose in yoga that helps to stretch your spine. Also known as Bhujangsana, a cobra stretch starts with you lying face down with palms kept under your shoulder. Then you bend your spine slowly upwards to form an angle. Maintain the position for up to 30 seconds and do 3-4 reps. In addition to stretching the spine, this exercise supposedly causes cartilages between vertebrae to grow.

Vertical bar hanging – The aim with this routine is to reduce compression on your spine to increase height. A solid bar capable of holding your weight will be required to do this exercise. This should be at a level where there is a distance of about six inches between your feet and the floor when hanging on it. Hang from the bar for about 20 seconds, perhaps longer if you can manage. You may swing back and forth while holding onto the bar. Also, try to touch the floor with your feet while hanging. The procedure may be repeated about three times. The weight of your body causes your spine to stretch and makes it more flexible.

Forward spine stretch – As the name suggests, this is an exercise that aims at stretching your spine. You start forward spine stretch by sitting on the floor with your feet in front. Keep your legs shoulder distance apart and stretch your arms in front while breathing in. Bend forward a little to touch your toes.

Pilates roll over – You begin this exercise by lying on your back with your arms by your sides. Keep your legs together, raise them up and try to touch the floor in the area above your head. Pilates roll over may sound quite daunting, but you will get used to it with time. It stretches the spine and lengthens your upper body.

Ankle weights – The aim with this exercise is to increase height in the lower part of the body. You do this by fastening weight to your ankles and trying to raise your leg. The idea is that ankle weights cause your legs to stretch. The exercise stretches cartilage between bones in the knee to improve mass. You should start with light weights at the initial stage and work up from there.

These are just some of the exercises that are believed to be potentially beneficial in helping you grow taller. Others suggestions include swimming, cycling, rope skipping and pelvic shift.

Inside secrets on the top 10 things that will stunt your growth.

1. Being conservative will stunt your growth. The conventional belief is that your height is solely determined by your genetics and hered...